First thanks so much for the mention. Really appreciate it. You know, I always envy people who can draw and makes zines. I can do neither! When I read your newsletters Rishab, I feel like I have seen a good film!! There is a little bit of everything in it which makes it so interesting for me. When do you go back to the hills? I was amazed the first time I realised that you moved out of Mumbai to stay in wilderness. Write on and keep doing what you do. It’s lovely to read all of it.

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Shital! Thank you for these lovely kind words. Elated to hear them from someone like you! 🌻

I will be back to my home in Bir by the start of September.

I hope you start making zines and experimenting with drawing as well! We owe it to ourselves and I totally get your envy. We are in the same boat on that.

Awaiting your next newsletter

Take care

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Love this! Your retreat sounds absolutely wonderful!! ❤️

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Thanks N ❤️

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