Always a pleasure to get a notification of your newsletter! A beautiful one as usual.

I have also personally experienced how constraints have boosted my creativity instead of take away from it. Especially as someone who has worked extensively as a copywriter, constraints was the name of the game and the game was fun!

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thank you N <3

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Hello Rishabh! Loved what you have written this week. This whole newsletter came just in time when i was discussing with my friend how to get consistent with writing. Cant wait to get back to you with my piece based on your prompt. Also, would love if if this becomes a weekly thing!

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Thank you so much Tahoora for reading my work. I am so glad you enjoyed it and that it was useful. I am excited to read what you have to express via writing about the prompt! Yes, promise it will become a weekly thing :)

Have a lovely weekend

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Some lovely images. That bouncy castle is impressive - I bet the children loved it! The idea of constraints on the creative process can, as you will know, also apply to photography and cameras in particular. Sometimes knowing that the camera you have can only do certain things frees you up to explore what can be achieved with rather than getting bogged down with the multitude of options available on more sophisticated models. Thanks for sharing. Take care 🙂

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That’s so true Ralph. That’s why I feel like the mobile phone is such a great device to practice photography on. It’s simple to use, portable and has minimal features.

Thanks Ralph! Best wishes

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Very true

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Thanks a lot ❤️🌻

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Hi Rishabh, Enjoyed reading this one as always :). You are so right about being extra productive for when we are already so busy !! It happens to me all the time . The Man from Earth movie is very beautiful , I have watched it too . There is next part as well The Man from Earth : Holocene , You will enjoy this one as well. I have watched both so many times that I have gone a step beyond just being entertained - I am analysing the movie making process!! Isn't it amazing with just minimum resources/prompts(don't know what the right word !! I mean actors, places etc etc, the first movie takes places almost entirely in that one cozy house and just conversations around the actors !!) they manage to create such gripping movies ?!! I will take up the writing challenge with the prompt you have presented !. Thank you very much.

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Hey Sharada

So good to hear from you! Thankyou for your love on the post (as always)!

Glad you resonated with the thoughts..

Oh I didn’t know there is a sequel too! What a brilliant concept..

Thankyou for wanting to attempt the writing prompt

Hope you enjoy writing

Best wishes take care ❤️

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Enjoyed seeing the photographs Rishabh!

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Thank you Shital 🌻

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