The prompt looks interesting! I will surely write about it. And the newsletter is so relatable. I hope you know how the elders in Indian households treat women, so the flip side of the story for most women, is sad that parenting is not at all changing, and parents are not realizing the fact that these things give not just mental health issues but severe confusion on how to live, and what's the right way or at least how do we know the right way.

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Thanks for sharing this Srividya!

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So lovely to read through this journey of yours! All these photographs have my heart...missing Mau and you both:)

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Thank you so much Rosh! Missing you dearly <3

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Thanks for sharing how you shed some of your social conditioning. I have watched Wisdom of Trauma. I have also seen Dr Gabor guiding people session through his CI approach, which really breaks them open and fills them back up. I highly recommend looking into it to go even deeper in your own inquiry. Cheers.

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Thank you Aayaan. Excited to watch Wisdom of Trauma this coming weekend. Thanks for the input.

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Interesting introspective post Rishabh. Society definitions of gender stereotypes put too much pressure and it’s good to break away from them. Of course easier said than done. One step at a time. Nice photos at the end!

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Thank you so much Shital! So kind of you to always read my work. It means a lot.

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