Love this! The struggle to slow down is real especially when you are passionate about your work!

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Thank you Rishabh. Will see you at your writing space meetup. Thank you very much. Wishing you a 'slo-o-o-w sunday ' :)

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Hey Sharada, thought to personally share the writing space link with you here. It's happening this weekend. For more details and to sign up - https://topmate.io/rishabhkhaneja/958082

If you have any questions, I am here. Have a great week ahead! :)

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thanks Sharada! Super excited to host you. Have a lovely slow week ahead :)

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I am new subscriber, and I love your style and sensibilities ! It exudes a sense of calm and 'slow living'. I think you really meant 'mindful living' when you say 'slow living'. A busy life that involves you doing everything you love is such a fulfilling way to live and how lucky are you to be in that phase ! :)

On another note on 'writing space', I am a complete novice but have this urge to express myself through beautiful writing, so am looking for inspiration and also ideas on how to start etc .. Would the 'writing space' be a place for me to attend ? Please let me know.

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Hey Sharada, thank you for subscribing and for reading my work. It truly means a lot.

I am so glad that you could find meaning in whatever I wrote. I am quite new to substack and long form writing myself. This is the type of writing that truly excites me and people like you who read, make it possible for me to share :)

You are right, I meant mindful living but slow living is a goal that I am taking baby steps towards! I am also trying to figure out if a busy day can be lived slowly. I don't have answers but I am excited to explore.

About writing spaces - You are super welcome to join any or all of them! They happen weekly and I update about them on my newsletter itself. It is for people who want to explore writing. I would love to have you there.

Have an amazing weekend Sharada and thank you once again.

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Thank you for giving these practical tips for imbibing slowness in our life:)

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thank you so much! glad it was useful :)

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I love this expansion of ASAP best. Totally stealing it now!

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