Well written. Knowing and avoiding what not to do helps you wayy more than knowing what to do. As Charlie Munger said: "It is remarkable how much long-term advantage people like us have gotten by trying to be consistently not stupid, instead of trying to be very intelligent."

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thank you for reading my work Akshay!

love the quote, thanks for sharing

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For me, there is no resolution thing as such but yes I do put some things on my checklist this year which I really want to accomplish.

I really wanted to let you know that whenever your newsletter notifications pops up, it makes me smile since I certainly see my reflection in your newsletter. The simplicity you have in your writing and in your too is something I admire. I'm an amateur learner and your writing gives me perspective (new and different too). I would love to read your newsletter for like lifetime.

I'm really grateful and please keep writing.

A huge huge fan of yours and an admirer too

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I don't know if I deserve this kind of love, Disha. Thank you so much for making it all feel worth it. It's incredibly kind of you to write to me and that too with so much love. I don't take any of this for granted. Thanks a lot. Looking forward to writing this newsletter for lifetime! Have a happy new year!

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your newsletter is one of my favourite things on Substack <3

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Sakhi, you're always so kind. Not sure if I deserve this brilliant compliment but it certainly made my day. Thank you and hope you have a fantastic year ahead.

I truly hope to keep you entertained :)

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