If you got a chance to read my last newsletter, you would know that I had gone to my home in Jaipur for some chores. From home, I got a few of my cherished possessions to blossom my space here in Bir. From where I write, I feel happy and proud to have created the space that I call my home and studio now. Here is how it looks.
Here’s a better photo of the space with the evening light adorning the walls.
Good art helps to produce good art is my motto in life. It is something I swear by and truly believe in. I love listening to music, reading other people’s work, appreciating paintings of other artists and just being inspired by how people perceive art and creativity. It deeply inspires me.
One of the reasons to move to Bir was to have access to a community of creative people. Today, I am studded by stars all around me, from musicians to writers, from runners to potters I know people who follow all sorts of passion. I may not speak to them every day or may not even know them but their stories inspire me greatly.
Hence with that intention, I did a small makeover of my studio. I put up a few of my photographs, some artworks of my lovely friend and other postcards that I collected on the way. Today, I even took some Post-its and wrote some prompts on them to keep me motivated and inspired to spend time on my art. Just by this small intention of bringing art to my space, my house seems to carry a very heightened energy.
There’s another VERY interesting trick that I got to know about in my writing spaces but I will come to that in a while. You tell me, what do you do to blossom your space at your home/studio/workspace? Write it in the comments! I would love to know more :)
This weekend, I attended my favourite artist’s concert. Do you know him?
His stage name is Rahgir and he is my favourite songwriter, musician and artist. What I love about him is that he not only sings beautifully and is very humble and creative but the fact that he also speaks up. In the concert which was held in Bir, he talked about:
Religious intolerance
Animal cruelty
Women’s rights
Environmental issues
He talks about most of these issues in his songs too. I got hooked to his work last year and to me, he is the Kabir of modern times. If you have never heard his songs, now is the time.
I had a wonderful time sitting in the first row, singing along to his songs and lost in the melody. Who’s your favourite musician/artist whose live concert you wish to attend?
Now, coming to the writing space. I conducted two writing spaces this week as promised.
Creative Writing Laboratory (6th Week)
Creative Writing Laboratory is an online intimate and safe space designed for writers and creatives seeking inspiration and connection.
Personal Branding Blueprint (Pilot)
My friend and I worked on creating a two-hour module to help people understand storytelling and personal branding better. Since this was a pilot, it was a small space for limited people. We were happy to have a few participants. We are excited to hold many spaces further and to also implement feedback from this one.
This weekend, I am conducting a 3-day trek and walking immersion for a community that I am a part of. The space is called Padh Yatra. It’s going to be held in Kareri, Near Dharamshala and I am super excited to host it. There, I will be conducting writing spaces for people in the forest. Looking forward to hosting a writing experience in person.
Now, the excellent tip that I received in the writing space was from a writer who mentioned that he keeps books in all corners of the home such that it is always in his vision and hence serve as a reminder for him to read. I loved this tip and I did the same for a few notebooks and books both. Now, my house is scattered with notebooks and books which I absolutely love.
Apart from the lovely artwork and photographs, I also got a couple of notebooks which I marked for particular purposes and scattered around the house. Hoping to build a healthier and more productive writing routine. I also got a small pocket dictionary which I am very excited to use. This week I also intend to start painting. More on that in the next newsletter!
As a feature of all my newsletters, I will be sharing one song, one book, one plant-based meal, one film/video that inspired me, and some photographic updates from my life.
I am still reading ‘ठीक तुम्हारे पीछे’ by Manav Kaul. I am also reading Quiet, Bird by Bird and Masala Lab on the side! Last week was a dull reading week for me since other commitments took more time but I promise to make up and finish reading at least two titles from the ever-growing list of books - in reading.
While I couldn’t read much, I overcompensated by doing some experiments in the kitchen. Let the photos do the talking.
Amongst the usual other meals that now I am used to making, this week I finally made two of my favourite vegetables, Bhindi and Bharta. I had them with Besan ka Chilla and both vegetables were really delicious! Thanks to the recipes I found on YouTube.
I am planning for my first international solo trip this year so while planning, I came across this amazing video. If you’re also interested in visiting Central Asia sometime, this video is quite helpful.
I have been listening to Kaavish the entire past week. I am hooked on this 1-hour playlist of some of their songs.
Lastly, here’s a photograph I took of a very beautiful tree I came across while walking near home.
Thank you for your time! If you like what I share, do share it with your friends and family. Hope to see you in one of the spaces I am facilitating this week.
Hope your week was fine too! Wishing good health and lots of love to everyone. Have a lovely week ahead :)
That room looked so cozy! And again! You have motivated me to start reading again! I am about to finish one book and then as per your recommendation, will read something from Manav Kaul sahab 😀!
Your studio looks amazing!! Especially in the evening light. My desk had a similar vibe in my previous apartment. But the place I'm staying now allows no sunlight in, so I love sit on my terrace and work whenever the weather is pleasant.